Workshop SunDo s mistrem Kimem
listopad 2023

Sobota 11. listopadu 2023


Čas: 11:30 – 13:30

Umístění: YOGA MOVEMENT studio, Na Zatlance 1151/8, Praha 5, 150 00

Program: SUNDO PRAXE (Dvojí praxe)

CENA: Dopoledne - 400 Kč, 300 Kč členové sdružení
Odpoledne -
500 Kč, 400 Kč členové sdružení
Celý program - 800 Kč, 600 Kč pro členové sdružení

Applications: or via the website

Master Kim’s teaching follows the Taoist tradition to encourage the student’s independence, one’s own thinking and the integration of SunDo into daily life.
Mistr Hyunmoon Kim
Seo Yu-jeong
Seo Yu-Jeong


Čas: 14:30 – 16:30

Umístění: Smíchov community space, Na Doubková 2040/8, 150 00 Prague 5 (located within 5 min walking distance from morning study.)

Program: SUNDO WORKSHOP Taoist Breathing Meditation Galactic Dance (performance) and an exhibition of paintings by Seo Yu-jeong.
Dance work by connecting to the primal cosmic healing energy, the energy renews cells and overall harmonization occurs.

The workshop will be held in English and will interpreted.

Full members are also welcome for the afternoon beginners session.