If you are interested in developing smooth, deep breathing, abundant energy, a strong powerful center and a calm focused mind then the Ancient Taoist Art of SunDo could be what you are looking for.
To learn SunDo we highly recommend this SunDo Beginners Course. Many students start the practice by just following a class, this can be ok, but quite often there is not the time to understand what we are really trying to achieve. In this course, we progressively go through each section, learning one movement or posture at a time. The foundation ,the breathing, is explained in detail.
It will completely change your practice.
The Course contains Eight 60 min Videos explaining the First level of the SunDo practice.
Each video is split into different sections:
- Zahřátí
- Dýchací meditace
- Qi Circulation Exercises
- Organizace cvičení
- Strengthening Exercises.
No previous experience or fitness level is required.
Instructors: Lenka Riva Ryskova and Paul Renall
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