European SunDo Association Logo

The European Sundo Association is a Czech based group, formed to facilitate the development of Sundo practitioners while being affiliated to Kouksundo BonWon, the Original Kouksundo center founded by Master Chung san in 1970.


The practice of Sundo returns us to our natural being, to our basic goodness. We believe that if we feel good about ourselves, we will have the potential to do well to others. In any form that is close to our heart.

In today’s world, we see the support in the regular practice of SunDo as something stable, returning to nature and thus corrective. The tradition of SunDo is ancient, the process is gradual, it is impossible to hurry or buy.


In today’s world, we see the support in the regular practice of Sundo as something stable, returning to nature and thus corrective.
The tradition of Sundo is ancient, the process is gradual, it is impossible to hurry or buy.

In addition to the comprehensive care for body and soul that Sundo provides, we see calming and slowing down as a benefit to today’s lifestyle for each of us.



To become a Member of the European Sundo Association, registration is required. By registering you will also become a Member of Kouksundo BonWon, the Original Kouksundo Center, in Korea.

Currently, there is no Membership Fee.

As a Member you can expect regular support in your development and progress through the Kouksundo levels.

*Please note, when you “Register”, the first question you are asked is the “Date of Joining”. This means the FIRST time you started practicing Sundo.


As you progress through the levels of Kouksundo you then start to appreciate the depth and potential of the practice.

In order to progress it is necessary to become promoted.

To become promoted you need to:

  • Perform the requirements of the levels proficiently, foremost being calm, smooth breathing.
  • Be a Member

When you feel you are ready for promotion, you can contact us and we can arrange the necessary steps.