May 29th - June 1st 2025
The Retreat is the opportunity for everyone to sink into the Sundo philosophy and practice, to shift the energy by practicing often and in a group, to get corrections and new impulses.
We are delighted to announce that Master Kim Ki Young will be coming to the Czech Republic for the first time to give a Sundo Retreat at the end of May 2025.
Podcast with Jan Vojáček
Paul and Lenka were asked to give a Podcast with Jan Vojáček recently. You can view part of the Video on Youtube, to see the whole Video subscribe to Jan’s website for 5 euro per month.
Breathing Workshop - March 28-30th 2025.
This weekend seminar is open to anyone who wants to take some time for themselves, to connect with their breath and strengthen it to nourish the energy of the body.
We will use the techniques of SunDo – Taoist Yoga, and the gentle approach of the Feldenkrais Method. We will take care about our inner organs and harmonize their settings to function well.
Beginners are welcome!
90 min SunDo Class
Thursday 18.10-19.40 CZ
Where: ZŠ Bukovina
Price: 150 Kč
Sunday 17.00-18.30 CZ
Where: Budínská 18/20, Brno-Slatina (
Price: 200 Kč / 1.800 Kč
80 min SunDo Class
Monday 6.10-7.30 EN
Monday 19.10-20.20 CZ
Tuesday 9.15-10.35 EN
Tuesday 19.15-20.35 EN
Wednesday 6.10-7.30 EN
Thursday 9.15-10.35 EN
Thursday 19.15-20.35 EN
Price: 6-7 EUR
Where: Online
I want to start exercising SunDo
We work together

To become a Member of the European Sundo Association, registration is required. By registering you will also become a Member of Kouksundo BonWon, the Original Kouksundo Center, in Korea.
Currently, there is no Membership Fee.
As a Member you can expect regular support in your development and progress through the Kouksundo levels.
*Please note, when you “Register”, the first question you are asked is the “Date of Joining”. This means the FIRST time you started practicing Sundo.
We are close to nature
We exchange experience
We share within the sundo community
What people say about SunDo
SunDo helps me keep order in my life. I don't know if it's a value in general, but for me SunDo "holds me in check", centers me, I don't fly in my thoughts, in emotions, I react and act better on my own. It helps me a lot.
I like challenges, SunDo keeps bringing me something new, I always have something to look forward to and I feel that it keeps pushing me, it's an adventure to continue, that suits me 🙂
Breathing in SunDo is an incredible depth of energy, silence, change, it is a journey for which I would be hard pressed to find an equivalent. It cannot be described or conveyed very well. One exercises and breathes, and that is how the journey takes place. It's something you don't read from books...